

Kahamis- Whitening Beauty Soap

For a More Flawless & Younger Looking Skin.

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Papaya Enzyme, kojic acid, glutahione, aminopropyl ascorbyl phosphate, saxifraga sarmentosa, arbutia, paeonia suffruiticosa root extract, scutellaria baicalensis root extract and glycerin.

Grape Seed Extract, kojic acid, glutahione, aminopropyl ascorbyl phosphate, saxifraga sarmentosa, arbutia, paeonia suffruiticosa root extract, scutellaria baicalensis root extract and glycerin.

 Available only in the Philippines!

Liver Safe - Liver Healthy Functioning Perfectly

Liver Healthy Functioning Perfectly
No Approved Therapeutic Claims
1 capsule 2 times a day
Each Capsule Contains:
Slymarin - 250mg
Grapeseed - 150mg
Sodium Ascorbate - 100mg

Available only in the Philippines!


*  Clear Liver toxins and reduce Free radical damage
*  Prevent fatty deposits in the Liver
*  Help regenerate damaged Liver cells
*  Promote bile production and bile flow
*  Boost the immune system
*  Lowers harmful cholesterol
*  Helps to break down fat
*  Restores healthy Liver functions
*  Helps treat Viral hepatitis
*  Helps fight off various cancers

Liversafe formulation offers alleviation not only to liver health problems, but is effective too, to a lot of related chronic diseases. 


Silymarin Provides hepatocellular protection by stabilizing hepatic cell membranes. It alter the structure of the outer cell membrane of the hepatocytes in such a way as to prevent the penetration of the liver toxins into interior of the cell.


*  Liver Disease
Silymarin provided protection against the toxic effects of long-term treatment with psychotropic drugs (used in mental illness). Silymarin provided liver protection by reducing blood levels of malondialdehyde (MDA),
and indicator of liver damage that increases during long-term treatment with psychotropics. There were no adverse effects associated with Silymarin treatment.

*  Cirrhosis

Silymarin showed the greatest benefit in those with alcohol-related cirrhosis.

*  Kidneys

Silymarin has also been tested for its ability to protect the kidney from damage due to drugs such as the chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin.

*  Acne

Silymarin is also a Demulcent, meaning that it soothes and moistens the mucus membranes, kidney and bladder irritations and inflammations in general. It also moisten the skin. Which resulted to a dramatic softening and moistening of dry, cracking skin, and noticeable glow and radiance to skin quality.

Grape Seed Extract

Please click this: Grape Seed Extract

Sodium Ascorbate

Please click this: Sodium Ascorbate

Available only in the Philippines!


AGUS forte - A Potent Anti-Cancer Formula

 A Potent Anti-Cancer Formula
No Approved Therapeutic Claims

1 to 2 capsule with meals

Each Capsule Contains:
Agaricus Blazei Murill - 200mg
Guyabano Dry Extract - 200mg
Sodium Ascorbate - 100mg

Available Only in the Philippines!

Agaricus Blazei Murill

Contains food nutrients, glycoproteins, steroids & polysaccharides that combat cancer of the colon, ovaries, breast, lungs, liver & many others.

A prominent cancer treatment in Japan, this mushroom originates from Sao Paulo, Brazil. It contains huge amounts of food nutrients, glycoproteins, steroids and polysaccharides that potentialize the immune system and improve the physical conditions of the body, besides producing pronounced anti tumor activity. Its extract activates the immunity of normal biological tissue, so that even when virus enters the tissue, macrophage and interferon production within the tissue is vitalized to prevent the multiplication, metastasis & re occurrence of cancer cells. Clinical results of university researchers & hospitals proved that its polysaccharides are effective against cancer of the colon, ovaries, breasts, lungs, liver and solid metabolism; and enzymes found in the mushroom enhance digestion. It is also known that atopic dermatitis, asthma, pollinosis and rheumatism result from an excessive immuno reaction. It reduces excessive immuno-reactions to maintain a good balance. Of all mushrooms, Agaricus Blazei Murill shows particularly strong results in treating and preventing cancer.

Guyabano - Sour Fruit
A miraculos natural cancer cell killer, 10,000x stronger than chemotherapy.

Unlike chemotherapy the compound extracted from guyabano selectively hunts down and kills only cancer cells. It does not harm healthy cells, it only effectively targets and kills malignant cells in 12 types of cancer.
Including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer. The extracts from guyabano can attack cancer safely and effectively with an all-natural therapy that does not cause extreme nausea and hair loss.

It protects your immune system and avoids deadly infections; feels stronger and healthier throughout the course of the treatment and boost your energy and improves your outlook in life. Guyabano powder extract is also taken as a remedy for urethritis, haematuria and liver ailments.

Guyabano belongs to the family of  Annonaceae, (A. muricata L.) The flesh of the fruit consist of a white edible pulp  that is high in carbohydrates and considerable amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Potassium and dietary fiber. It is low in cholesterol, saturated fat and sodium.

The US National Cancer Institute reportedly performed the first scientific research on guyabano in 1978 and the result showed guyabano very effectively in attacking and destroying malignant cells.

Nutrients that can be had from Guyabano extract:
Calories, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates, Fiber, Ash, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Trytophan, Methionine and Lysine.

Sodium Ascorbate (Non-Acidic Vitamin C)

Please click this: Sodium Ascorbate

Available Only in the Philippines!


Morixan Plus - The Perfect Anti-oxidant Combination

The Perfect Anti-oxidant Combination
No Approved Therapeutic Claims

1 capsule 3x a day before
 meals. For treatment take
 2 to 3 capsules 3x a day

Each 500mg  (30) capsule contains:
Moringa -200mg     Grape Seed Extract - 100mg
Mangosteen - 150mg  Sodium Ascorbate - 50mg

Available only in the Philippines!

Morixan Plus is a must to persons suffering from diabetes, asthma, cardiac arrhythmia, high blood pressure, blood impurities, tumors, myoma, and etc.

The amazing antioxidant combination of Moringa (malungay), Mangosteen, Grape Seed Extract and Sodium Ascobate will ultimately prevent free radical damages thus, helps in the prevention/treatment of over 300 types of diseases (chronic of otherwise). Fight skin disorders minimize fibromylagia damage, slow progression of macular degeneration and cataracts. Lessen allergy symptoms, prevents cancer, heart disease, delays aging, stimulate calcium and proper nerve/muscle functions.


Mangosteen is the latest discovery in the long line of fruits and vegetables that are known to be antioxidants. This small fruit, mostly grown in Asia, is one of the few fruits or natural sources of antioxidants that is highly concentrated in the compounds that the human body needs to help rid itself of free radicals, which lead to signs of aging as well as cellular damage.

The mangosteen pericap, which is the rind or peel, contains the highest level of xanthones. The seeds found in the pulp. It has compounds that have antioxidant, ant-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-tumor activity. Laboratory tests have indicated that extracts of mangosteen have activity against several cancer cell lines including breast, liver, and leukemia. Mangosteen also contains anti-histamine and anti inflammatory properties. Mangosteen has been used for many years as a medical treatment for diarrhea, skin infection and wounds in South Asia.

Xantones found in mangosteen, provide beneficial effects on cardiovascular diseases, including ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and thrombosis. Mangosteen shows vasorelaxant properties. It has shown inhibitory action against mycobacterium tubercolosis, staphylococcus aureus. Mangosteen is highly effective in weak immune system. There are several compounds found in the mangosteen that appear to make this fruit so active as nutritional component for the body.

Grape Seed Extract (GSE) Benefits

GSE substantially increased levels of antioxidants in the blood. Vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid, and compounds called procyanidins (also kown as condensed tannis) pyconogenols, and oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) are highly concentrated in Grape Seed. Extracts of Grade Seed treat a range of health problems related to free radical damage, including blood sugar regulation problems, heart disease, and cancer.

GSE help prevent cholesterol oxidation and damage to the cardiovascular system in people who smoke. Also effective in preventing damage to human liver cells caused by chemotherapy medications. It also helps improve night vision and photophobia (sensitivity to light). GSE may also be helpful in those with asthma and allergies. Grape seed components may also be active against HIV by inhibiting virus expression and replication.

GSE has been used in connection with chronic venous insufficiency (caused by damaged valves in the veins carrying blood to the heart), varicose veins, spider veins, and severe blood clotting and may also help keep viens and other blood vessels from leaking. GSE may reduce eye stress caused by bright lights. It has shown some possible effectiveness in preventing cataract formation.

GSE is useful in relieving a number of conditions including lymphedema, skin cancer, premenstrual syndrome, dental cavities, and variety of circulatory disorders.

Research shows that Grape Seed Extract have other anti-disease properties, such as in:

*  Wound healing - GSE proanthocyanidins induce vascular
    endothelial growth factor and accelerated healing of injured skin.
*  Tooth decay - GSE phenolics may inhibit oral sugar metebolism
    and retard growth of certain bacteria causing dental caries.
*  Osteoporosis - GSE enhanced bone density and strength.
*  Skin cancer- GSE proanthocyanidis decreased tumor
    numbers and reduced the malignancy of papillomas.
*  Ultraviolet damage to skin - dietary proanthocyanidis may
    protect against carcinogenesis and provide
    supplementation for sunscreen protection.

GSE enhances the immune system; protects our body from free radicals and reactive molecules; protects againts premature aging and chronic illnesses; nourishes and tightens the skin; normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Especially noteworthy are the results of one study where a number of women with chronic venous insufficieny experienced reduced symptoms after supplementing GSE per day. GSE also helps in the alleviation of pancreatitis, high blood pressure, coronary disease and health problems associated with postmenopausal in women.

Moringa Oleifera

Please click Moringa Oleifera

Available only in the Philippines!


Kofi de Macho - Energize Your Health

Energize Your Health

To enjoy full strength, pour
one sachet in a cup (180 ml)
then add hot water

Available only in the Philippines!

6 in 1
Tongkat Ali, Korean Ginseng,
Ginkgo Biloba, Instant coffee,
Non-Dairy Creamer & Sugar

Taken Regularly, Kofi de Macho functions to:

*  Prevent viral disease
*  Have a positive effect on insomia
*  Prevent and fight tumor
*  Treat high blood pressure and diabetes
*  Protect and detoxify the liver
*  Treat chronic bronchitis & asthma
*  Prevent and cure heart diseases
*  Have an effect on hyper susceptibility
*  Slow down the aging process
*  Increase levels of hormone testosterone

Other Purported Uses of Kofi de Macho:

Fatigue                   Immuno Stimulation      HIV and AIDS
High Cholesterol     Inflamation                   Strength & Stamina
Hypertension          Viral Infections 

This coffee preparation should not be used by PREGNANT WOMEN or NURSING WOMEN

Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali was dubbed the "Asian Viagra" It has been used in Malaysia for many years by men to increase sexual desire, libido, sexual performance and to treat erectile dysfunction.

Tongkat Ali appears to work by increasing levels of the hormone testoterone is primarily responsible for the growth and development of male reproductive organs, including the penis, testicles, scrotum, prostate and seminal vesicles. Normal testoterone levels maintain energy level, mood, fertility and sexual desire. Because of its testosterone-enhancing properties, Tongkat Ali is also used by bodybuilders to increase muscle mass and strength.

Korean Ginseng

Tranditionally comsumed to vitalisze, strengthen, and rejuvenate the entire body. It is also an antioxidant; lowers blood cholesterol, promotes appetite, improves reaction, anti-stress, anti-fatigue, regulate adrenal glands, radioprotective, adapgtogen, general tonic and restorative.

Korean ginseng increases digestive tract peristalsis, anticonvulsant, antipyretic, antipsychotic, analgesic, and ulcer protective.

Gingko Biloba Extract

Gingko (Gingko Biloba) has been in traditional medicine to treat circular disorders and enhance memory. Gingko improves blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of blood platelets. It is widely used in Europe for treating dementia. It is use primarily due to its ability to improve blood flow to the brain and because of its antioxidant properties. The evidence memory in people with Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been highly promising.

Gingko also helps in the alleviation of altitude sickness, asthma, depression, disorientation, migraine, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction & vertigo.
Available only in the Philippines! 

Moringa Tree - A Power House of Nutrients

A Power House of Nutrients

Dosage: Maintain of 1-2
capsules at least 3 times a
day before meals.

Each Capsule contains:
Moringa Oleifera - 400mg
Sodium Ascorbate - 50 mg
Calcium Ascorbate - 50 mg

Available only in the Philippines!

Moringa oleifera is the best known of the 13 species of Moringaceae. It is highly valued since the ancient times for its varied use - perfume, skin lotion and lubrication. Today however, more and more people are appearing its more important value on nutrition and medecine.

It has been claimed that the leaves of the Moringa tree can prevent 300 types of diseases. Outrageous as it seem, science and medecine are now able to validate this claim.Nutritional analysis show that the leaves are very high in protein and contain all of the essential amino acids needed by our body, which is rare in a plant food. Moringa leaves are also packed with essential vitamins and minerals that deliver powerful nutrition that could prevent the damaging effects of malnutrition and related diseases.Its other parts are all useful for medicine and nutrition including its roots, bark, pods and flowers.

Gram for gram, Moringa leaves contain much more nutrients. It has 7 times the Vitamin C found in oranges, 4 times the calcium in milk, 4 times the Vitamin in carrots, 2 times the protein in milk & 3 times the potassium in bananas.

Moringa* C500

Moringa* C500 harnesses the nutritional power of moringa and its disease-preventing properties; and adds up the healing quality of sodium ascorbate.

Put together in one capsule, it becomes a natural super antioxidant available for everyone. Its potency is derived form the fact that while moringa in its fresh form is already power-packed with nutrients, in its capsule form, moringa* C500, the increase in nutritional value is simply overwhelming. It has now 10 times the Vitamin A from carrots, 17 times the Calcium for milk, 15 times the Potassium form bananas, 9 times the Protein from yogurt, and 25 times the Iron from spinach, naming a few of them

Valuable Benefits form Moringa* C500

*  It has ALL the essential amino acids for
     a strong and healthy body
*  Good for the function of the brain and nerves
*  Prevents and treats various skin disorders
*  It has an anti-tumor compound ( sototerol
     & pectinesterase)
*  Diuretic and stimulant in paralytic afflictions,
    epilepsy & hysteria
*  Improves eye health
*  Prevents over 300 types of diseases
*  Reduces swelling and inflamation
*  Helps heal gastric ulcers
*  Lowers blood sugar & blood pressure
*  Essential for the functioning of proteins
*  Helps pregnancy and good for lactating mothers

Moringa* C500 helps

Abnormal -                Dropsy                      Pimples
Blood Pressures
Anemia                      Dysentery                  Pregnancy
Anxiety                      Eye/Ear Infections      Scurvy
Asthma                      Psoriasis                    Respiratory Disorders
Blackheads                Fever                         Skin Infections
Blood Impurities         Glandular Swelling      Sores
Bronchitis                  Gonorrhea                  Soar Throat
Chest Congestion      Headaches                  Sprain
Cholera                     Hysteria                      Semen Deficiency
Conjunctivitis             Intestinal worms          Stomach Ulcers
Colitis                        Jaundice                     Tubercolosis
Coughs                      Lactation                    Tumors
Diabetes                    Malaria                       Urinary Disorders
Diarrhea                    Pain in Joints               Wounds

Combination of Sodium ascorbate
and Calcium ascorbate plays important rules in:

*  Enhancing the body's immune system
*  Proper nerve and muscle function
*  Stimulating calcium function
*  Preventing dental cavities
*  Boosting the actions of important minerals
    and some B-vitamins
*  It may also aid in the treatment of asthma, 
    cardiac arrthythmia, high blood pressure,
    Fibromyalgia and Diabetes.
*  Essential in collagen formation
*  Increase absorption of iron for hemoglobin formation
*  Stimulates phagocytic activity of leukocytes and 
    formation of antibodies
*  Spares other vitamins from oxidation
*  Strengthens the capillaries
*  Necessary for cholesterol & purine synthesis
*  Co-enzyme in metabolism of tyrosine & phenylalanine
*  Affects conversion of proline to hydroxyproline
*  Essential in the conversion of Folic to Folinic acid 
    necessary for the formation of the red blood cells
*  Creates a favorable environment along with natural
    body enzymes & antioxidants for the biosynthesis
    of new collagen and elastin.
*  Improves metabolism and nourishes vital body organs
*  Improves blood circulation, the important bodily function
*  Important to brain function, because it protects the blood
    vessels, and is one of the few dietary antioxidants that
    readily crosses the blood-brain barrier to protect brain

Available only in the Philippines! 

VITA * C500 - Nature's Super anti-oxidant.

Nature's Super anti-oxidant.

No Approved Therapeutic Claims

Dosage: Maintain a healthy dose of 1-2 capsules at least 3 time a day before meals.

Available only in the Philippines!

Functions of Sodium Ascorbate
*  Essential for Collagen formation
*  Increases absorption of iron for hemoglobin formation
*  Stimulates phagocytic activity of leukocytes and formation
     of anitbodies
*  Effective antioxidant against free radicals; spares other
     vitamins from oxidation
*  Strengthens capillaries
*  Necessary for synthesis of cholesterol & purine
*  Co-enzyme in metabolism of synthesis of thyrosine &
*  Affects conversion of proline to hydroxyproline
*  Essential in the conversion of Folic to Folinic acid
    necessary for the formation of red blood cells
*  Creates a favorable environment along with natural
    body enzymes & antioxidants for the biosynthesis of
    new collagen and elastin

Vitamin C -deficient persons are...

*  Irritable            
*  Anorexic          
*  Apprehensive
*  Refuse to move

What is collagen?

*  70% of structural material in the skin
*  Forms the membrane of the intestines
*  Holds calcium in the bones
*  The most abundant protein in our body; responsible
    for the integrity of tendons, ligaments & cartilage
*  Reduced by aging, it shortage causes skin & health
    trouble among the middle-aged

What does it?

*  Prevents osteoporosis & other arthritic disorders
*  Makes bones dense
*  Promotes good blood circulation
*  Promotes soft & supple skin, wrinkle-free face
*  Holds ligaments firmly (symbol of strenth)

Collagen Deficiency

*  Failure of wounds to heal
*  Rupture of small blood vessels & of all body tissues
*  Fast aging process
*  Weakness / Arthritis
*   Weak immune system

Vita *C500 & Arthritis

*  Binds the connective tissue of joints, stops the pain
    by preventing swelling; heals the damage tissue
*  Inhibits the release and synthesis of compounds that
    promote inflammation such as histamine, seline
    proteases and leukotrienes

Vita *C500 & Cancer

*  Fights cancer by enhancing the immune system
    rather then killing off the cancerous cells
*  Potentiates the body's ability to fight & prevent
    cancer by boosting the human lymph system
*  Works with other antioxidants & bioflavanoids
     from fruits to increase length of time for white blood
     cell in fighting cancer 

Vita * C500 & the Eyes

* Clinical studies that a daily dose of 1000mg of
   Vitamin C dietary supplement results in significant
   reduction of cataract development

Vita *C500 & the Heart

*  Improves blood circulation
*  Strenthens vessel walls and opens them for greater
    blood flow
*  Improves production of nitric oxide in the endothelium
    which relaxes the aorta
*  Blocks the effects of stress hormone adrenaline on
    blood platelets
*  Has a protective anti-aggregation (anti-clogging)
    effect on blood platelets, particularly effective
    against platelet damage from smoking & stress
*  Powerful water-soluble antioxidant that makes its
    way to every body part (over 90% water)
*  As an antioxidant it neutralizes peroxynitrate, a
    product of superoxide free redicals
*  Is safe and has no side effects unlike NSAID
    products and ascorbic acid

Available only in the Philippines!

