

Moringa Tree - A Power House of Nutrients

A Power House of Nutrients

Dosage: Maintain of 1-2
capsules at least 3 times a
day before meals.

Each Capsule contains:
Moringa Oleifera - 400mg
Sodium Ascorbate - 50 mg
Calcium Ascorbate - 50 mg

Available only in the Philippines!

Moringa oleifera is the best known of the 13 species of Moringaceae. It is highly valued since the ancient times for its varied use - perfume, skin lotion and lubrication. Today however, more and more people are appearing its more important value on nutrition and medecine.

It has been claimed that the leaves of the Moringa tree can prevent 300 types of diseases. Outrageous as it seem, science and medecine are now able to validate this claim.Nutritional analysis show that the leaves are very high in protein and contain all of the essential amino acids needed by our body, which is rare in a plant food. Moringa leaves are also packed with essential vitamins and minerals that deliver powerful nutrition that could prevent the damaging effects of malnutrition and related diseases.Its other parts are all useful for medicine and nutrition including its roots, bark, pods and flowers.

Gram for gram, Moringa leaves contain much more nutrients. It has 7 times the Vitamin C found in oranges, 4 times the calcium in milk, 4 times the Vitamin in carrots, 2 times the protein in milk & 3 times the potassium in bananas.

Moringa* C500

Moringa* C500 harnesses the nutritional power of moringa and its disease-preventing properties; and adds up the healing quality of sodium ascorbate.

Put together in one capsule, it becomes a natural super antioxidant available for everyone. Its potency is derived form the fact that while moringa in its fresh form is already power-packed with nutrients, in its capsule form, moringa* C500, the increase in nutritional value is simply overwhelming. It has now 10 times the Vitamin A from carrots, 17 times the Calcium for milk, 15 times the Potassium form bananas, 9 times the Protein from yogurt, and 25 times the Iron from spinach, naming a few of them

Valuable Benefits form Moringa* C500

*  It has ALL the essential amino acids for
     a strong and healthy body
*  Good for the function of the brain and nerves
*  Prevents and treats various skin disorders
*  It has an anti-tumor compound ( sototerol
     & pectinesterase)
*  Diuretic and stimulant in paralytic afflictions,
    epilepsy & hysteria
*  Improves eye health
*  Prevents over 300 types of diseases
*  Reduces swelling and inflamation
*  Helps heal gastric ulcers
*  Lowers blood sugar & blood pressure
*  Essential for the functioning of proteins
*  Helps pregnancy and good for lactating mothers

Moringa* C500 helps

Abnormal -                Dropsy                      Pimples
Blood Pressures
Anemia                      Dysentery                  Pregnancy
Anxiety                      Eye/Ear Infections      Scurvy
Asthma                      Psoriasis                    Respiratory Disorders
Blackheads                Fever                         Skin Infections
Blood Impurities         Glandular Swelling      Sores
Bronchitis                  Gonorrhea                  Soar Throat
Chest Congestion      Headaches                  Sprain
Cholera                     Hysteria                      Semen Deficiency
Conjunctivitis             Intestinal worms          Stomach Ulcers
Colitis                        Jaundice                     Tubercolosis
Coughs                      Lactation                    Tumors
Diabetes                    Malaria                       Urinary Disorders
Diarrhea                    Pain in Joints               Wounds

Combination of Sodium ascorbate
and Calcium ascorbate plays important rules in:

*  Enhancing the body's immune system
*  Proper nerve and muscle function
*  Stimulating calcium function
*  Preventing dental cavities
*  Boosting the actions of important minerals
    and some B-vitamins
*  It may also aid in the treatment of asthma, 
    cardiac arrthythmia, high blood pressure,
    Fibromyalgia and Diabetes.
*  Essential in collagen formation
*  Increase absorption of iron for hemoglobin formation
*  Stimulates phagocytic activity of leukocytes and 
    formation of antibodies
*  Spares other vitamins from oxidation
*  Strengthens the capillaries
*  Necessary for cholesterol & purine synthesis
*  Co-enzyme in metabolism of tyrosine & phenylalanine
*  Affects conversion of proline to hydroxyproline
*  Essential in the conversion of Folic to Folinic acid 
    necessary for the formation of the red blood cells
*  Creates a favorable environment along with natural
    body enzymes & antioxidants for the biosynthesis
    of new collagen and elastin.
*  Improves metabolism and nourishes vital body organs
*  Improves blood circulation, the important bodily function
*  Important to brain function, because it protects the blood
    vessels, and is one of the few dietary antioxidants that
    readily crosses the blood-brain barrier to protect brain

Available only in the Philippines! 
