

VITA * C500 - Nature's Super anti-oxidant.

Nature's Super anti-oxidant.

No Approved Therapeutic Claims

Dosage: Maintain a healthy dose of 1-2 capsules at least 3 time a day before meals.

Available only in the Philippines!

Functions of Sodium Ascorbate
*  Essential for Collagen formation
*  Increases absorption of iron for hemoglobin formation
*  Stimulates phagocytic activity of leukocytes and formation
     of anitbodies
*  Effective antioxidant against free radicals; spares other
     vitamins from oxidation
*  Strengthens capillaries
*  Necessary for synthesis of cholesterol & purine
*  Co-enzyme in metabolism of synthesis of thyrosine &
*  Affects conversion of proline to hydroxyproline
*  Essential in the conversion of Folic to Folinic acid
    necessary for the formation of red blood cells
*  Creates a favorable environment along with natural
    body enzymes & antioxidants for the biosynthesis of
    new collagen and elastin

Vitamin C -deficient persons are...

*  Irritable            
*  Anorexic          
*  Apprehensive
*  Refuse to move

What is collagen?

*  70% of structural material in the skin
*  Forms the membrane of the intestines
*  Holds calcium in the bones
*  The most abundant protein in our body; responsible
    for the integrity of tendons, ligaments & cartilage
*  Reduced by aging, it shortage causes skin & health
    trouble among the middle-aged

What does it?

*  Prevents osteoporosis & other arthritic disorders
*  Makes bones dense
*  Promotes good blood circulation
*  Promotes soft & supple skin, wrinkle-free face
*  Holds ligaments firmly (symbol of strenth)

Collagen Deficiency

*  Failure of wounds to heal
*  Rupture of small blood vessels & of all body tissues
*  Fast aging process
*  Weakness / Arthritis
*   Weak immune system

Vita *C500 & Arthritis

*  Binds the connective tissue of joints, stops the pain
    by preventing swelling; heals the damage tissue
*  Inhibits the release and synthesis of compounds that
    promote inflammation such as histamine, seline
    proteases and leukotrienes

Vita *C500 & Cancer

*  Fights cancer by enhancing the immune system
    rather then killing off the cancerous cells
*  Potentiates the body's ability to fight & prevent
    cancer by boosting the human lymph system
*  Works with other antioxidants & bioflavanoids
     from fruits to increase length of time for white blood
     cell in fighting cancer 

Vita * C500 & the Eyes

* Clinical studies that a daily dose of 1000mg of
   Vitamin C dietary supplement results in significant
   reduction of cataract development

Vita *C500 & the Heart

*  Improves blood circulation
*  Strenthens vessel walls and opens them for greater
    blood flow
*  Improves production of nitric oxide in the endothelium
    which relaxes the aorta
*  Blocks the effects of stress hormone adrenaline on
    blood platelets
*  Has a protective anti-aggregation (anti-clogging)
    effect on blood platelets, particularly effective
    against platelet damage from smoking & stress
*  Powerful water-soluble antioxidant that makes its
    way to every body part (over 90% water)
*  As an antioxidant it neutralizes peroxynitrate, a
    product of superoxide free redicals
*  Is safe and has no side effects unlike NSAID
    products and ascorbic acid

Available only in the Philippines!

